About Us

A violation of California law results in an arrest and criminal charges. Facing an arrest and criminal charges can be a traumatizing experience for you and your family. Your charges could range from simple misdemeanors like trespass and shoplifting to serious felonies like murder and arson.

The consequences of a criminal conviction in California can be severe and life-changing. In addition to spending time behind bars, a conviction can leave behind a tainted criminal record. When the record is discovered in the background checks, it can affect your personal and professional lives. For this reason, you must employ the best defense tactics to fight your charges.

Choosing the right defense attorney is the first step in ensuring that you will aggressively fight your criminal charges to avoid a conviction. You will benefit from the expert legal insight we offer at Monterey Criminal Attorney if you or a loved one faces criminal charges in Monterey, CA.

Negin Yamini

Negin Yamini is a well-trained and skilled trial attorney with over ten years of experience. She has received dismissals and acquittals due to her confident yet accessible style in front of a jury, mastery of the facts, effective cross examination, and ability to humanize her client, no matter the charge or the facts alleged. As a trial lawyer, Negin’s success lies in her human and holistic approach to a case. As a litigator, Negin’s strength lies in her thoroughness, tenaciousness, conscientious mounting of a defense from its very inception, as well as an excellent reputation amongst judges and prosecutors who know her for her ferocious yet ethical advocacy.

Negin’s most recent accomplishments include:

  • Jury acquittal of a hardworking Nigerian immigrant accused of rape of an unconscious woman;
  • Jury acquittal of a hardworking masseuse accused of pimping and pandering;
  • Dismissal of a rape charge against a 15 year old boy charged with raping a classmate;
  • Dismissal of sexual assault charges against a marine accused of digital penetration and rape;
  • Hung jury and subsequent dismissal of a domestic violence charge against a father of two;
  • Hung jury and subsequent dismissal of assault with a deadly weapon charge against a reputable nurse;

The above case results are just a few in a lenghty series of successful outcomes achieved by Negin on behalf of her clients.

Negin graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Callifornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a bachelors in History. She subsequently graduated from UC Hastings Law School. Throughout her academic career, Negin has been awarded for her achievements via, amongst several other awards and recognitions, the prestigious Merage American Dream Fellowship and Tony Patino Fellowship.

Our competent attorneys will work hard to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. The following qualities set us apart from other defense attorneys in the area:

We Have Extensive Experience in Criminal Law

Experience is critical when determining whether a criminal defense lawyer is right for you. The number of criminal cases determines the experience the attorney has worked on and their track record of delivering the desired outcome. A lawyer with more years of experience can devise the right defense strategies for your case.

We are Qualified

The right defense attorney to handle your criminal case and deliver a favorable outcome must have completed law school and specialized in criminal law. This ensures that you work with an expert in legal research, criminal procedures, and writing. When you contact a defense attorney, you should be bold in asking about their qualifications before you proceed to share the details of your case.

Our experience in criminal law helps us create reasonable doubt in the prosecutor’s case against you and negotiate with the prosecution to offer favorable plea deals for your case. Before you settle on a legal team, you must ask about the attorney’s experience in the field. This may include the years they have been actively practicing and the outcome of the cases they have represented.

We Have Good Communication Skills

The moments following your arrest and criminal charges could be challenging for you and your loved ones. Seeking legal guidance puts you at ease, knowing that your case is handled professionally and that a professional represents your best interests. In every stage of your case, you will want to be informed so you know the proper steps to take.

Poor communication from your attorney can be frustrating and cause emotional distress. This is because of the uncertainty of your case's outcome. Our skilled lawyers at Monterey Criminal Attorney can break down complex legal issues into a language you can understand. Additionally, we are available 24/7 to respond to your concerns about your case.

We Offer Personalized Representation

Each criminal case is different. The circumstances may differ even when you are charged with a similar offense or under the same statute. Therefore, each case will have a different defense approach. General criminal defense strategies may not work in all cases. One of the factors that separates us from other legal representatives is that we devise a defense strategy strictly tailored to your case.

The circumstances of your case will guide the direction of your defense. When you give us the correct and full information on the circumstances of your case, we can come up with the right defense to obtain your desired case outcome.

We are Transparent With Our Legal Fees

One of the factors that you consider when hiring a criminal defense attorney for yourself or a loved one is how much it might cost you. Different defense attorneys have different strategies for billing for their services. The amount you need to pay may depend on the lawyer's skills and experience. Additionally, the severity of your case may impact the costs.

At Monterey Criminal Attorney, we are upfront about our charges. This ensures that you move forward with us knowing what we expect from you as payment for our services. This ensures that you are not bombarded with unforeseen costs.

Our Attorneys have Strong Negotiation Skills

The role of a criminal defense attorney is to convince the court that you did not engage in the criminal acts for which you are charged. Our lawyers have strong negotiation skills to present your defense strategies and convince the court that you are not guilty. Our lawyers will ensure the prosecution agrees if you resolve your case with a plea deal. Plea deals allow you to face less serious penalties and collateral consequences.

Our Attorneys Are Empathetic and Patient

Facing criminal charges is a nerve-wracking experience. The constant interrogations with law enforcement officers could take a toll on your emotional and mental well-being. At Monterey Criminal Attorney, we understand that you need all the empathy you can when dealing with your case. Additionally, we are patient and can offer constant reassurance that we are working on your case to secure a favorable outcome.

A Good Understanding of Local Court Processes

Our experience in criminal law has helped us familiarize ourselves with the local courts and their processes. Being familiar with the judges and prosecutors lets us negotiate your case and help you avoid a conviction effectively.

Find a Competent Criminal Defense Attorney Near Me

You could be arrested and charged with a serious offense if you violate California law. Crimes in California range from simple misdemeanors to serious and violent felonies. A criminal conviction can have severe legal and collateral consequences. Having a skilled criminal lawyer by your side is critical to protecting your constitutional rights and ensuring a favorable outcome in your case.

Although many criminal defense attorneys are in the Monterey area, you must be careful when hiring legal representation. Your choice of a defense attorney could make the difference between spending a lifetime behind bars and walking out of your trial with a dismissed case.

At Monterey Criminal Attorney, we understand a criminal conviction's impact on your life. We offer expert legal guidance to clients battling criminal charges throughout Monterey, CA. Call us at 831-574-1791 to discuss your case.

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We are Available 24/7 to Serve You

At Monterey Criminal Attorney, we are available 24/7 to serve you. We are here to help you build a solid defense strategy.

We handle cases in all areas of Monterey, including but not limited to Alisal, Aromas, Big Sur, Bradley, Carmel, Castroville, Chualar, Corral de Tierra, Del Monte Park, Del Rey Oaks, Fort Hunter Liggett, Gonzales, Gorda, Greenfield, Jolon, King City, Lake Nacimiento, Lockwood, Lucia, Marina, Monterey, Moss Landing, Oak Shores, Pacific Grove, Pacific Valley, Pebble Beach, Point Sur, Presidio of Monterey, Prunedale, Robles del Rio, Salinas, San Ardo, San Lucas, Sand City, Seaside, Soledad, Spreckels, and Tassajara Hot Springs. Your future matters to us, and we are prepared to stand by your side every step of the way.